AK-47 Strain




AK-47 is an F1 hybrid from Dutch seed bank Serious Seeds. Created in 1992, its exact lineage remains secret, but seed bank owner and breeder Simon says it’s roughly a 65:35 Sativa/Indica hybrid of Colombian, Mexican, Thai, and Afghani descent.

we carry both regular and feminized AK-47 seeds and reports a strong, fruity scent from the strain, coupled with a powerful, long-lasting “Indica” high.

AK-47 has won 16 awards, including 1st Hash at the Barcelona High Life Cup in 2005, 1st Sativa at the Toronto Treating Yourself Expo in 2011 and 3rd Hybrid at the 2011 High Times Cannabis Cup.

Product Description

AK-47 Strain Description

AK-47, also known as “AK,” is a sativa-dominant hybrid marijuana strain that mixes Colombian, Mexican, Thai, and Afghani varieties. Don’t let its intense name fool you: AK-47 will leave you relaxed and mellow. The result is a complex blend of flavors and effects. AK-47 may deliver a steady and long-lasting cerebral buzz that will keep you mentally alert and engaged in creative or social activities. While its scent is sour and earthy, its sweet, floral notes can only be fully realized in the taste.

This easy to grow plant is our most popular, because of her outstanding quality. The AK-47 strain has been often copied or used by other seed companies for crosses.

This plant is of medium height and produces very good yields quite quickly. Extremely STRONG odour and smoke. Take extra care for odour control when growing near neighbours!

The name was given not out of any idea of violence, but more in association with the ‘one hit wonder’ that the smoke is. After its introduction visitors to coffee shops in Amsterdam regularly passed out after a hit of the AK47 strain. Quality without compromise makes AK47 seeds suitable for commercial or home-grows. For a mostly Sativa cross these plants have a short flowering period, producing compact buds with few leaves that gleam with a coat of resin crystals.

Winning 27 awards(!!!) in Cannabis competitions proves it is a favourite to grow as well as to smoke.

She delivers a very strong, long-lasting and pleasant High. In 1999 at the Cannabis Cup, an independent lab test proved AK47 weed had the highest THC-percentage of all entries that yearMedicinal plant excellent for pain-relief.

Latest awards won by AK-47 strain2nd prize in category: ‘Bio-Weed’ at the HighLife Cup 2016 in Amsterdam, Netherlands and 2nd prize in category: ‘Indoor’ at the Copa Cata Zona Norte 2017 in Argentina and 2nd prize in category: ‘Sativa’ at the 3rd Great Canadian Canna Cup in Canada in 2018.

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