



Chemical Names: 4-Acetoxy-N,N-dimethyltryptamine, 3-(2′-dimethylaminoethyl)-4-acetoxy-indole

Molecular Formula: C14H18N2O2

Molecular Weight: 264.305 g·mol−1

IUPAC Name: 3-[2-(Dimethylamino)ethyl]-1H-indol-4-yl acetate


Product Description

Buy 4-AcO-DMT Online at Research Chemical Meds Store Without Any Hassle And No Hidden Fees Top Sheath USA, UK, Canada, and Australia – 4-AcO-DMT for Sale Here.

O-Acetylpsilocin (also known as psilocybin, 4-acetoxy-DMT, or 4-AcO-DMT) is a synthetically produced psychoactive drug and has been suggested by David Nichols to be a potentially useful alternative to psilocybin for pharmacological studies, as they are both believed to be prodrugs of psilocin. However, some users report that O-acetylpsilocin’s subjective effects differ from that of psilocybin and psilocin. It is the acetylated form of the psilocybin mushroom alkaloid psilocin and is a lower homolog of 4-AcO-MET, 4-AcO-DET, 4-AcO-MiPT and 4-AcO-DiPT.

In the body, O-acetylpsilocin is deacetylated to psilocin by deacetylases/acetyltransferases during first-pass metabolism[citation needed] and during subsequent passes through the liver (evident as psilocin is also active via parenteral routes of ingestion). Claims of subjective differences in effect between the acetylated and not acetylated forms of psilocin; some users report that O-acetylpsilocin lasts slightly longer; others report that it lasts for a considerably shorter time. Many users report less body load and nausea compared to psilocin.

Some users find that the visual distortions produced by O-acetylpsilocin more closely resemble those produced by DMT than those produced by psilocin. These differences could be possible if psilocybin is active itself and not merely as a prodrug. Despite this, there have been no controlled clinical studies to distinguish the effects between psilocybin, psilocin, and psilocybin.


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